The problem with Bird learning to read is that I ca no longer wear my favorite T-shirt that my friend Will brought me from a Flight of the Conchords concert (never mind that he bought the shirt in a youth size for his son and in his Newcastle stupor he didn’t realize that the shirt looked like this).
Heh heh heh. Yes, I can see where that could be a problem.
There are LOTS of reasons not to teach your kids to read. Most of which involve your reading material. I tend to do some pretty odd research. Kids who can read can also spread the word–to friends, neighbors, other mothers.
Of course, I regret teaching them to talk, too.
Snicker, snicker…
I totally need that. But I have the same pesky early reader problem…
Seriously the best sketch from Season Two.
Ha. My problem with my teens these days is they watch Craig Ferguson with me, and that Scotish Conan Guy has some pretty suggestive jokes. I really don't want to have to explain – OR know that my gets already get them.
I tend to do some pretty odd research. Work from home India