I love egg nog. This statement will not be a non sequitor in a moment.
Read on.
Merry Christmas!
Now that the boys are tucked in bed and sleeping (not even pretending!), Mac Daddy and I opened a beribboned gift from a neighbor. Lo and behold, my most favorite of Christmas spirits was there!
And so it is with an iced crystal tumbler full of this I toast you this Christmas. Merry Christmas to my delightful readers. I hope your season is so bright so you gotta wear shades. I know you’re all so Hollywood like that.
Da Bomb.
First of all, let it be known that I love me some egg nog. Our family friend Ty makes some killer homemade stuff that I cannot replicate to save my life. I settle for the grocery store brands and spike it myself. Then I get a work out just swallowing that gloppy thick stuff while I trick myself into believing it’s the real deal.
Evan Williams does it all for me. And it’s oh so good.
Not treacly sweet. Not fake. Not so thick you could condition your hair with it.
Evan Williams is the Avis of straight bourbon whiskey in the US. It’s “extra aged,” which I can totally identify with.
That's my most favorite Christmas special — watched it Christmas night. Not sure why it's one of the least known or most forgotten.
Cheers–to you, nog and your good Christmas!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Sounds like wonderful family time. More of that in 2010!
Yeah that’s what I’m talking about bai-byn-ce work!