- The goods.
A blog by a left leaning mom of 2 boys
Ilinap · ·
Thanks to Steaz, I hosted the inaugural Dirt & Noise 5:00 Fridays happy hour last week. I think it was a ginormous hit and look forward to Friday wind-down-from-the-week-ramp-up-for-the-weekend libations all summer long. We had an excellent turn out with the likes of the oh so helpful and marvelous Wayne Sutton, News & Observer food writer Andrea Weigl, Raleigh Downtowner publisher Crash Gregg, the ever delightful duo of Erin and Sal, social media B2B dude Jeff Cohen, the two Jeffs, frozen food master Greg Ng, my dear friend Will Feichter, non-schmuck PR folks Dana, Scott, Kelly, Crumb (aka the people to whom I owe my cavities and stretchy pants), and oh so many other cool rock stars. Last Friday was definitely a kick ass 5:00 Fridays happy hour that just might have launched a tradition.
Thanks to Edge Office for hosting us in the coolest space with furniture so swanky it makes you want to be a cubicle dweller. We were entertained by Gerry, Kate, and Bill of The Foghorn Band. They played foot tappin’ tunes and sang melodies that we all knew the words to. Live music puts the happy in happy hour. And an extra special props to Jeff, bartender extraordinaire. He came early to help me set up, lugged bags of ice, mixed drinks, talked up Steaz, and even cleaned up and loaded my car…all while I mingled, connected, and partook in other such social butterfly duties. I might need a tiara and sash for next time.
So what were we drinking, you ask?
Steaz organic and fair trade iced tea with organic vodka. Mmmm… You could say we were helping the planet one drink at a time. Sorta.
We tried the sparkling green tea in raspberry and orange as well as various flavors of the iced tea. I think the blueberry, pomegranate, acai was the crowd favorite. I’m going to mix the mint tea with Firefly sweet tea vodka as soon as my toes hit the sandy beach this summer.
So for the funtastic Dirt & Noise happy hour, we just filled a 16 ounce cup (recyclable cup, natch) with ice. Then mighty bartender Jeff poured an ounce (or possibly more as the evening went on) of organic vodka and topped it off with Steaz iced tea (sparkling or regular, depending on what the style setters wanted). And though this was a happy hour outside my own home bar, I sliced and packed up garnishes. No drink is complete without something pretty to make you feel like Isaac served it from the Lido deck. Each cup had a slice of lemon or lime and a mint leaf for that extra oomph.
Now Steaz is a staple in my fridge. Since it’s stocked on Target shelves, it just gives me one more reason to frequent my favorite store.
Cheers! And thanks to the fine Earth Stewards at Steaz for sponsoring a great fete!
Look at us hanging with the cool kids like @ilinap. Good thing you can’t smell the vodka on our breath. http://idek.net/1Qg3
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Enjoyed @Steaz happy hour w/ my peeps: @gregoryng @waynesutton @erinedesign http://www.dirtandnoise.com/2010/04/30/500-fridays-steaz-style/
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Enjoyed @Steaz happy hr w/ my peeps: @salconigliaro @justcrumb @andreaweigl http://www.dirtandnoise.com/2010/04/30/500-fridays-steaz-style/
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Dirt & Noise @Steaz happy hour fun w/ @jeffreylcohen @myriad_will @blah2voila @jefftippett @kokoforkayak @khubbard http://bit.ly/bm3WZc
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What a great idea and a great time. Thanks to @Steaz and of course to the coolest person in the triangle Ilina for organizing.
Recap of a fantastic event by @steaz and @IlinaP http://bit.ly/duVLyE
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An excellent event. I loved The Foghorn Band and will now become a groupie!
I had a blast, Ilina! RT @IlinaP: Dirt & Noise @Steaz happy hour fun http://bit.ly/bm3WZc (via @jkennedy93)
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Had a ton of fun at the happy hour! I met a ton of really cool people (in addition to the usual Raleigh stalwarts). Best of all, I got to talk shop with several wine enthusiasts. All in all, a fantastic time.
@IlinaP Ummm…have I been branded 1/2 of the 2 Jeffs? *sigh* 😉 http://ht.ly/1Gqhl
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SOO much fun! — RT @IlinaP: Dirt & Noise @Steaz happy hour fun w/ @jeffreylcohen @myriad_will @blah2voila … http://bit.ly/bm3WZc
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Had fun can’t wait till next one! RT @IlinaP Dirt & Noise @Steaz happy hour fun http://bit.ly/bm3WZc
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awesome! wish I cld have made it RT @schneidermike: RT @gregoryng: Recap of a fantastic event by @steaz and @IlinaP http://bit.ly/duVLyE
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