I’ve never been much of a game girl. I mean, I don’t like the idea of eating elk or deer or ostrich. Well, Mac Daddy and I did have one helluva an ostrich steak at a lovely inn in Door County once. But at home we’re pretty much game free.
Wait a sec, this post isn’t about food, is it?
In any case, it’s also safe to say that I’ve never been much of a gamer girl. I sucked at everything on Atari, and Ms. Pac Man (how very feminist of her!) always stressed me out. I was addicted to Tetris on my Palm Pilot for a while back in the late 90s. I can get my groove on in Guitar Hero, but anything else makes me white knuckle the remote and gives me sweaty palms. I fully realize I am not worthy of the PSP I got from Sony.
But trust me, I’m a changed changing girl.
Granted, I probably don’t maximize the PSP to its full capability, but that’s what people would say about my college experience too. I do enjoy the clear screen, which will be perfect for watching girlie movies under the covers on nights I can’t be bothered to perch a laptop on my knees. I love the goofy games, you know, the ones the real gamers balk at. I imagine they don’t play games called Sneezies and Yummy Yummy.
I’d love to hear what games and gizmos you like about your Sony PSP. I could use some tips on games to download for me and the kids. I’ll tell you what, I have a $50 card you can redeem at the Sony Playstation store. Fifty bucks, folks. Just leave me a comment with your game tips and ideas. Make sure you leave me your email address. I’ll pick a winner at random in one week. That’s Monday, July 26.
Game on!
Win $50 @ Sony Playstation Store! Just give me some good game ideas, & the rest is up to luck. Pls RT! Game on! http://bit.ly/9mk5hl
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I have 50 bucks for you. http://www.dirtandnoise.com/2010/07/sony-psp-tips-and-tricks.html #PSPfamilyfun
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My kid loves Patapon, which looks really goofy, but is a lot of fun. If they have any version of Bejeweled Blitz, I’d be all over it.
we are hooked on Hamster Ball right now. I would love to have it on the PSP.
Whack a mole would be fun, too.
Definitely check out LittleBigPlanet, ModNation Racers, and PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe
I really love Mega Man Powered Up! It’s pretty easy to come by in the used section at GameStop, and it has an endless amount of replay-ability.
I don’t play a lot of family-friendly games on it yet, but I’m dying to try Locoroco 1 and 2, which look absolutely adorable.
I’ll give you $50 for games, movies, TV shows. It could be yours. http://www.dirtandnoise.com/2010/07/sony-psp-tips-and-tricks.html
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I love my PSP and dont get me started on all the cool things it does interfacing with the PS3. Here are a few sites to check out to get your social networking on your PSP.
My old company, Vicious Cycle, made a really great PSP game called Dead Head Fred. John McGinley (of Scrubs fame) does the voice and is supposedly both hilarious and raunchy, so no playing with the kids around. (Also, I have to confess that I’ve never actually played the game myself, but people love it!)
I’m doing a SONY $50 giveaway. I rarely do giveaways. Enter, mkay? http://www.dirtandnoise.com/2010/07/sony-psp-tips-and-tricks.html
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Our only portable gaming device is my iPhone! But Big Roo’s fave game so far is the ice cream sundae maker. Not surprising!
I entered. Anyone want to compete for it? RT @IlinaP: I’m doing a SONY $50 giveaway. I rarely do giveaways. Enter, mkay? http://ht.ly/2erAA
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@adventuroo OH I am totally entering! Thanks for the reminder! @IlinaP http://ht.ly/2erAA
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OK I confess that I am in the dark ages when it comes to games, but I have always enjoyed any kind of racing game!
Peggle. If you haven’t already played it everywhere else, that is, since it will suck you in and take your life away until you’ve mastered it.
Normally I recommend things like God of War: Chains of Olympus or Burnout Legends, but that all depends on your tolerance for awesomeness.
I trust whatever my hubby says when it comes to games, but I know LittleBigPlanet really looks cute… as if cute is a term all games should be judged on.
We can do better than this, right? I mean really, I have $50 to the Playstation store to give away. http://bit.ly/9mk5hl #PSPFamilyFun
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@jkennedy93 Help me spread the word? I have $50 to the Playstation store to give away. http://bit.ly/9mk5hl #PSPFamilyFun
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Check this out…you too can win a Sony PSP: Crackle is giving away two PSP’s this month to our fans on Facebook The link is here for more info if you need it – giving away Sony electronics every month, just for “liking” the page.
Best line from the post: “Granted, I probably don’t maximize the PSP to its full capability, but that’s what people would say about my college experience too.” I am going to start using that line 🙂
Because you are a wicked smart chick that loves words, here are some games that you might want to get on your PSP….
1. Scrabble
2. Mind Quiz
3. Puzzle Guzzle (similar to Tetris)
We have a PS3, so I don’t know if these games are also available for the PSP, but we like Little Big Planet, Fat Princess. Our 4 yo baby girl loves to sit and watch us play.
Madden 2010 on the PSP has saved my husband from unending boredom on many a flight. I personally love that it supports most movie formats (MOV, MPG, AVI, WMV) so I can take advantage of it on trips, too. I’ve always wanted to look for a great Poker game for PSP and now I think you’ve inspired me to go do just that before it’s time for the next trip!
PSPs are awesome. I used to use mine on a daily basis for web surfing, email and gaming. With a nice sized memory stick you can do just about anything… Add game demos and movies poscasts and music and photos and you’ve got a portable studio waition to happen. Plus you’ve got Skype on there to make and recieve calls and IM your possibilities are endless.
Now on to my suggestion. Make a google voice account and link it up to skype to recieve free incoming calls on a psp. Download all the demos you can find and there’s plenty and install them on your memory card. Like YouTube? Download videos using video downloadhelper plugin for firefox to download then install format factory to convert the files to psp video… Boom. You’ve got a plethora of multimedia to rival the geekiest of geeks I hope you try some of these because they seriously extend the playability of your psp! Happy gaming!
Nice- RT @IlinaPHelp me spread the word? I have $50 to the Playstation store to give away. http://bit.ly/9mk5hl #PSPFamilyFun
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I love LittlePeople Big Planet! It is so much fun, but also a game that you can’t play for hours on end, so the kids won’t be glued to it and you won’t have to be the bad guy to say TURN IT OFF NOW!
Lol. Meant Little Big Planet. I think I just combined a tv show and game on that last one. It’s my fiance’s game!