In my house August is all about birthdays. We squeal and fuss over Mac Daddy, trying to get him as excited about his birthday as we are. Then we shift gears to dote on Bird, who needs no nudging in the I’m So Excited It’s My Birthday I’m Gonna Wet My Pants department. We also spend a lot of time indoors during while August, North Carolina’s hottest month, has a choke hold on us. And in the spare moments we steal outdoors, we spend an inordinate amount of time swatting at mosquitoes. August is a month of celebrations and skeeter bite home remedies.
By this point in the year Summer has worn out her welcome. I am tired of sucking in my stomach and searching for the perfect alternative to flip flops. The boys are sick of our weedy yard that doesn’t deserve to be called a lawn. Mac Daddy has had his fill of trying to weed and whack said yard. We look longingly at our outdoor fireplace and beckon Fall. I, for the footwear and forgiving sweaters, Bird and Deal for the marshmallows roasted in the fireplace, and Mac Daddy for the brown liquor on ice to be savored fireside. Fall is when we breathe around here. Unlike our years in Minneapolis, Madison, and Chicago, we know that what follows Fall is shortlived and novel. Fall in North Carolina is lingering and lovely.
Funny that we refer to the back-to-school season as Fall. In reality, the kids go back to school in August. When it’s hot as Hades. August ain’t Fall. I’ve been living in blissful denial all summer about what this August brings. My version of reality was quite splendid until Mac Daddy came along and poked an epee through my bubble.
Me, said with my head in the clouds: “We’ll be packing two lunch boxes every night in just a few weeks. Sigh.”
Mac Daddy, spoken with zero sensitvity: “A few weeks?! Hmph. You nuts or what? More like next week.”
Me: “Oh shit. NEXT WEEK?”
Mac Daddy: “Um yeah, where’ve you been all summer?”
Me, tearing up, knots around my heart: “It can’t be! Where has the time gone? I’m not ready!!! WAAAAAHHHHH!!!!”
Mac Daddy: “Is is that time of the month, Sweetie? Are hormones making you overly sensitive or is this really an issue?”
Me: “Grrrrr…..”
You see, this August, back to school season means that Deal is going to kindergarten. I’ve been saying it like a proud Mother Hen all summer, but truth be told, I hadn’t heard, much less believed, a word of it. Denial. A mom’s best friend. I generally wash the denial down with a nice cool pinot grigio. It’s been a fine antidote this summer. And unfortunately, not one that’s gonna hold. It’s time I come to face that sorry ass Time Bandit that’s stealing my baby and whisking him off to the land of storybooks, monkey bars, phonics, colored pencils, library cards, and lunch lines.
I’ve got the kindergarten blues. In the biggest way. Those school supplies lists really should include Kleenex, Xanax, and wine. Also, a prescription for retail therapy.
I surely can’t let on that I’m totally and absolutely devastated by this milestone. Shattered. Sad when I should be happy. Sulking when I should be proud. You see, my baby boy has been my sidekick for five years running. We’ve been a dynamite duo all these years that Bird was off at school. Deal and I have had a lot of time together just being mother and son. I regret that things weren’t that way with Bird. He was just 22 months old when Deal was born so our time as a twosome was brief. But we remedy that when we can, carving out time for just the two of us to frolic and go on sushi dates.
Bird paved a solid path for his little brother. He welcomed us both into his classrooms when I volunteered and skooched over graciously to offer a seat when we met him in the cafeteria for lunch. Bird loves to learn so he has been a shining example to his little brother, and I’m confident that Deal will flourish in kindergarten. Deal will forge his own path in school, and I’ll be right behind him. It’s not the same as beside him, but I’ll run to his side when he needs me.
And on that first day of school, it will be me who will grip his tender hand tightly while Mac Daddy nudges me to let go. The tears will roll, the sobs will heave. The house will be empty.
And so with a torn heart and watery eyes blinding my future, I walk on shaky ground as my baby boy starts kindergarten. Lesson number one: letting go.
I’m a wreck. Hold me.
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Wow. Just. Wow. Why do they do this to their mothers? I’m going to have a serious talk with Dean in the morning about this whole growing up thing. Hang in there, pretty lady.
(tear). School hasn’t started here yet…but my peanut will start pre-k…and my big boy will start kinder…and my babybear (sniff! tear) will start 8th grade!! (Waaaaaaaah!)
All that aside…Holy mierda…I want to move to NC!!!
My middle guy goes off to first grade this year… a big deal because he was in Montessori preschool with his baby sister last year. I’m not ready either. They get so mature so fast with school. Will he still want to hold my hand? Will I still get to kiss those boy cheeks?
Pierces the heart. Hugs to you.
I know, where the hell did that time go? I’m having a kid go into middle school this year. What?????
The good part is, on the first day of kindergarten at least they still want you to come with them.
Kindergarten Blues. I’m on the verge of a breakdown here, people.
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
Oh bella, I know. I know. But think of how much fun he’ll have doing all his new big-boy stuff… and in a short time you’ll have a new routine for yourself… which *may* include Fall retail therapy shopping. That, my friend, is a most excellent idea if I’ve ever heard one!!
And I’m sending you hugs… you’ll ALL be just fine. xox
You’re making me cry and I’m happy to be sending my boys off to school (not til September here though!) Of course my baby is still home another 2 or 3 years so maybe that’s why I’m not sad yet. Anyway, just wanted to send you a virtual hug and say hope that the first day of kindergarten is awesome for your little guy, and not too awful for you!
My youngest starts kindergarten next week, too. I sobbed on his last day of preschool. I predict much the same for the first day of kinder. I’m not ready for them to be big.
Here in “sending my baby off to school for the first time” solidarity with you, sister.
Having done the “back to kindergarten” 4 times, it does get easier….UNTIL High School. I’m about to send my oldest to High School and the realization that we only have 4 more years with him at home potentially… freaks me out.
Shed the tears, but then have some friends over for Mimosas and enjoy the quiet!!
My sons’ behavior today is making me feel less weepy than this post might lead you to believe.
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
Good luck with his, I mean your, transition!
Good luck! May it be a smooth and tear-free transition. (For him at least.)
I’m going to ignore the children-leaving-the-house-and-going-to-school part because my son is only 3 and I refuse to think about it yet. I will, however, tell you that I am with you. I am SO DONE WITH SUMMER. Bring on the fall and the gorgeous colors that make me want to eat those leaves! And then we’ll stop by for one of those fireside cocktails