Hell must be freezing over in pockets east of I-95 right about now. You see, it snowed here in North Carolina. Twice. In December. That’s unheard of, people.
We had a snow day today. No school!
Now before you go all Norman Rockwell on me with your oohs and aahs envisioning all the joy we expelled in the white powdery blankets that draped the hills, let me tell you that the accumulation in my yard was a whopping, wait for it…1/4 inch. Don’t rub your eyes and think your old brain is playing tricks on you. 1/4 inch, not 14 inches. School was closed. Granted, the early morning drive would have been more treacherous than usual for high schoolers. I suppose the “wintry mix” that our weather peeps dubbed last night’s mix caused some slick roads and black ice.
That wintry mix continued all day so the little bit of snow the clouds eeked out wasn’t even enough for adequate frolicking. We stayed in our jammies, baked cookies, watched Christmas movies, and ate popcorn instead. Then something snapped to turn my delightfully envisioned mommy day into a game of Discipline of the Beasts. It turns out that being stuck indoors for an entire day turns 7 and 5 year old boys into wrestling banshees.
Minnesota gets snow diarrhea while North Carolina experiences snow constipation with periods of incontinence.
Whether mucho snow or meager flakes, when Mother Nature gives you snowflakes, make snowballs!
(Thanks to my niece Nic for giving me this recipe. I shall drink one during our February thaw while she’s still sausaged up in Cuddl Duds in Wisconsin til May.)
1 pint vodka (Don’t go cheap, folks!)
1 pint whipping cream (Light whipping cream would be fine too.)
1 tbsp powdered sugar
1 tsp lemon juice
Mix all ingredients in a big bowl three hours before serving and refrigerate. Pour 1 shot of mix into a tall glass and fill with cream soda. Pop in a red straw (a swirly retro one would be cool) or a Hammond’s all natural vanilla stick (oh my, how tasty!).
Looks like a fun way to enjoy the snow! 🙂 But, yeah. Too many hours inside (or too many snow days) makes kids go stir-crazy. Hang in there!
Me and this article, sitting in a tree, L–N-ER-NAI—G!