I realize that citing the readings of Dr. Seuss might seem juvenile, but one book in particular speaks to me. It’s a little known book that Dr. Seuss had batted around in sketches and notes, but sadly had never published before he died. Upon his death in 1991, his editor asked his secretary for the notes for the book. And Hooray for Diffendoofer Day! was born.
Hooray for Diffendoofer Day! tells the tale of a school that is enriched by differences – difference in philosophy, difference in thought, difference in attitude, difference in curriculum. This book speaks volumes for supporting schools like the one Bird and Deal attend, where learning is magical every single day. I love that my sons are learning and thinking and analyzing and creating. You won’t find reading, writing, and regurgitating at this school.
If you are familiar with Dr. Seuss, you know that the messages in his books are profound and poignant, and certainly not just intended for the young. He used his talents to shed light on issues related to human values, tolerance, and social commentary. Take for example, The Lorax, The Sneetches (another must-read for all Wake County school board members!!!), and Yertle the Turtle.
Bird has a shelf of Dr. Seuss books in his room. He keeps them propped up between bookends of Thing 1 and Thing 2. We find ourselves drawn to those books over and over again. I must admit, I’d be okay if Bartholomew Cubbins had fewer hats, but the other stories are full of wonder and joy each time I read them. When Bird and Deal are older and need to make way for textbooks and yearbooks, I shall box up these books for my own grandchildren one day.
Dr. Seuss is a remedy for much that ails us.
Oh The Places You’ll Go! is my favorite. BTW — I love the new look of your blog. I also like your header logo better.