Today is the last day my baby is five years old. This officially marks the end of me (somewhat legitimately) claiming baby weight. Five was a milestone of sorts, a nice round number. Five still has the taste of babydom with only sneak peaks of big boyness. Tomorrow he will be six. Six. Now that brings to mind images of a big boy whose thighs no longer have signs of baby pudge. Six signals new milestones – reading, riding a two-wheeler, new found independence.
Deal is at a playdate as I write this. He went to camp this morning and geared up for an afternoon playdate right afterward, an unthinkable act a few short months ago. He will have been gone from me almost as long as he is in school, something that took him a full three months to get used to. He and I both parted amid tears until Christmas break. He was a champ in kindergarten, a real super star, but his nature is more homebody (some might say Mama’s Boy) so being away all day long was difficult. Deal is the kid who would rather play at home and have what he calls “mommy time” than venture off to parks and playdates. But no more.
Now he has his own friends and opinions and interests. He makes friends easily. I am constantly amazed when older kids at school smile widely and say “Hey Deal” as we walk through the hallways. Deal is the kid who is always surrounded by a flock of boys and girls. His nature simply makes people want to be within arm’s reach of his easy hugs and belly laughs. He’s tender, affectionate, and oh so sensitive. Lest you think him a sissy, he is also rambunctious, all kinds of giggly, and relishes a good game of light saber attack. And keep in mind that no one is safe when this kid is armed with a water gun. Deal’s favorite thing in the world is playing with LEGO. I think his vanity plate is going to read LEGO FAN. I find LEGO bricks in his pockets, jangling in his backpack, between his sheets, and more often than not, in the dryer. He’s gone from knocking over big brother Bird’s mega towers to building his own intricate space craft and army camp outs.
My baby Deal is a 50 pound paradox. He is almost as tall as his big brother but still sucks his thumb for comfort. He sleeps in Power Rangers jammies but tightly grips his teddy bear to fall asleep. He is a LEGO master but delights in reading Caldecott award winners. Deal loves to go barefoot and feel mud squish between his toes but is extraordinarily picky about his shoes. Deal is the kind of child who will give you the last bite of his birthday cake, including saving some frosting for you. He’s the one who sits on Santa’s lap and tells him what I want for Christmas.
In short, Deal makes me so very proud. His good nature and kind heart are a winning combination. He makes our family complete and makes me an incredibly lucky mom. Happy Birthday to my baby boy, which is what he’ll always be in my eyes heart. My lovely boy, you are the Real Deal.
Happy birthday, Deal! Wow. When you and I first met, I think he was about the age Dean is now. This growing up thing happens waaaaay too fast. Sounds like he (and Bird!) is growing into a fine young man. Enjoy his birthday!
Happy birthday to your son, Deal. You are lucky to have one another. I wish him and you many more happy days together.