How can I possibly follow in the footsteps of the lovely Ana at Spanglish Baby? She wrote a lovely piece in yesterday’s Blogust relay about her daughter’s fifth birthday and how she wants to celebrate her child’s milestones by giving other children a shot at life too. What a poignant post to bring to life the things we take for granted. I’ve had my own epiphany about what it means to be given a shot at life. I wear my scars as beauty marks.
I’ve had so many stories in my head and no means to share them until I started blogging. I started this little site of mine just have a place to vent, create, write, and share. I had no goals or aspirations and really had no idea what it meant to be part of a blogging community. I started reading other blogs and was floored by the remarkable voices filling this space online. I was charmed by Caroline at Morningside Mom. I was tickled by The Bloggess. OK, more like tinkled because everything she writes makes me pee in my pants. I was inspired by Momocrats. I was fired up by Erin at Queen of Spain. These women have no idea that they gave me fuel to keep writing. Please pardon my fawning.
When I was a newbie and greener than a Leprechaun’s fanny, I wrote a post that actually garnered some comments. Honestly, I have no recollection of the details of the post. But I do know that Jenny, Erin, and Caroline all left me a comment. I squealed in glee. I just wrote something that these girl crushes of mine commented on. I even called my husband (who is an admitted Luddite) and garbled about how these smart women just COMMENTED ON MY BLOG. He was all, “That’s nice, honey,” not realizing the sheer awesomeness of it all. Oh, it sounds silly, but for me it was a validating moment. It was the first time I realized that A) someone other than my parents read my blog, B) words are powerful, and C) I make no mistakes in picking my girl crushes.
Those comments gave me wings.
I realized that writing a blog was like having my keyboard and voice hooked up to an amp cranked up to eleven. I was inspired to keep writing and started tackling heavier topics. The first post that really gained momentum and rallied people was one I wrote about the time I slapped my son. I never admitted this to anyone other than Mac Daddy, and suddenly I was sharing it with the world. Writing about it was worse than saying it aloud in telling my story. The words of support were overwhelming. I received countless emails from people who walked in my shoes and battled the same demons. I used my voice to make a difference and realized for the first time that I can use my words and my little bit of square footage of the blogosphere to be change I want to see. Some pretty smart Indian man said something like that once. 😉
That’s how I became an accidental activist.
So today, I ask that you follow in the commenting spirit of Caroline, Jenny, and Erin, and leave a comment on this post. Every single comment means you have just vaccinated one child for life against diseases that aren’t even on our radar in this country.
- Every 20 seconds a child dies of a vaccine-preventable disease.
- 1.5 million children die every year of these diseases.
- 75% of unvaccinated children live in just ten countries.
- The number of children who die each year in developing countries because of lack of access to vaccines is equal to about half the children enrolling in kindergarten this year in the United States.
Help me out here. Scratch that. Help the children out here. Leave a comment. Spread the word. Save a life. Join the revolution to give all children a shot at life. I need you. We need you. They need you.
This post is inspired by Shot@Life, an initiative of the United Nations Foundation that educates, connects and empowers the championing of vaccines as one of the most cost-effective ways to save the lives of children in developing countries. Dude, the UNITED NATIONS.
During Shot@Life’s Blogust: Blog Relay for Good, 31 bloggers, one each day in August, are writing about people from our communities who have inspired us. You have no idea how humbled and thrilled I am to be a part of this endeavor. Every comment on this post and the 30 other posts will be matched with a $20 donation (up to a maximum of $200,000). That’s 10,000 comments. And 10,000 children. Let me spell that out for you; T-E-N T-H-O-U-S-A-N-D. $20 is what it costs to give one child four life-saving vaccines to help protect them against measles, pneumonia, diarrhea, and polio. A child dies every 20 seconds from a vaccine preventable disease. We can help stop this.
I urge you to learn more about Shot@Life by joining their email list, follow them on Twitter, and like them on Facebook.
I’m passing the baton to the incredible Julie Marsh. She’s a fellow Moms Matter writer at The Stir. I dig her. Adding her to my girl crush list now.
And by the way, world-renowned photographer and Shot@Life Global Advocate Anne Geddes has been so inspired by the response from our communities that she has kicked off a new fundraising initiative on to raise even more! Anne freaking Geddes of babies nestled in cabbage leaves fame! If you want to do more than comment, you can contribute $20 to help save a child’s life by supporting the Blogust matching Crowdrise for Shot@Life.
What a great story about how something as simple as comments could change your life. VERY cool to read!!!
Great job, Ilina! Ths is a terrific cause.
Ilina, I am up so early on Sunday reading your awesome post and tribute to the wonderful women online because I have a terrible cold and cannot breathe…That’s not why I am reading your post. It’s why I am up! And as I medicate myself, I am reminded by you that every unique comment here vaccinates a child for life. So my little ramble here is saving a life. That’s awesome…and since I’ve decided to nurse this cold by staying in bed, I will be back later on today to save another life!
And I am adding you to MY girl crush list. Thanks, Ilina, for a terrific post, for summing it all up as only you can, for helping to change and save lives, near and far.
May all of us in this space be accidental activists for the things that really matter! I LOVE this!!!
Every child deserves their very best shot at life – and to be vaccinated against preventable diseases. Thanks, Ilina, for all you do to make this world a more beautiful place to be.
Keep up the great work Ilina. Also, everyone be sure to read Ilina’s outstanding: “A Tale of Immigration and Immunization” post.
Love love this…thank you for doing this Ilina! Blogging for the greater good…yeah!
I love how comments gave you wings and turned you into an activist! It’s such a pleasure to know you and thanks for being part of Blogust for Shot at Life! I’m such a big believer in what Shot @ Life is doing since every kid deserves a shot at life!
Accidental or on purpose, children need all the activists we can muster. Thank you for your post!
Thanks for being an activist for this awesome cause!
Love love love this! I think we can all remember a time when someone amazing commented on our blog. And you are such an inspiration to me! Thank you for reminding us all to be better on a daily basis.
I am glad you found your niche blogging. Keep being the voice for the causes you feel passionate about. I am proud of you.
Sharing stories and fist-bumps is what we in the blogging community do best. Thank you for sharing your story [fist-bump] and for helping me give another child a shot at life!!!
I love that we are doing this together. I know we connected because I found your blog and commented. Oh, the good old days. Perhaps this will revive the comments in the blogosphere!
Ilina, thank you for being a voice for children, and for sharing your story. I am grateful for your writing and this opportunity to protect a child.
This is very inspiring. I am sharing this post all over the place today- and getting involved in whatever way I can.
Thanks for helping the children and writing your stories.
I sympathize with you over your husband’s reaction to
your online triumphs 🙂
Love it and am sharing! What a great cause. 🙂
This is beautiful, Ilina. Thank you for sharing your story and inspiring so many as you were inspired. You’re one of my crushes for sure. 😉
And I love this organization and was proud to participate in their July carnival and hope to be able to help and contribute moving forward. Because every child does deserve a shot at life.
Everyone needs a voice and I love yours. Really love the Immigration and Immunization post too! 🙂
Dude, you are awesome. Is all I’m saying. Amazing post!
I remember taking my girls up to Boulder for a blogger meetup when Erin was in town. They were awed that “the Queen” had met President Obama. And Jenny – good lord, Jenny’s a living legend in this house. Looks like I need to check out Caroline too!
Also, thank you for the kind words. Glad to keep you company, leaning left over at Moms Matter, and honored to accept the baton from you in this wonderful effort!
Beautiful, beautiful post! Thank you for what you’re doing!
What an amazing post! I love your story of accidental activism. May we continue helping more children a chance to reach their 5th birthday!
Love you!!!!
Awesome writing as usual Ilina! We are all so lucky you became inspired as you did. Thanks for letting us know about such a great cause.
I love the term “accidental activist.” It fits you well! Love that Jenny, Erin, and Caroline inspired you… great gals all of them!
Here’s to an incredibly successful #blogust day! Happy Sunday!
Love that you are using your “accidental activism” to give kids around the world a shot@life!!
I became an accidental advocate and champion for Shot@Life by one simple comment on a blog post.
what a lovely story of how comments empowered you. we all need pats on the back. 😉
I have so enjoyed reading your blog post! It’s great to become an accidental activist. It’s how I got my start, even though we know that it wasn’t an accident. It was in the cards for us all along! Great post.
Ilina, I love YOUR writing…greener than a leprechaun’s fanny? You “garbled” to McDaddy and someone’s writing “tinkles” you? GREAT stuff. No wonder you are accumulating a blog following. Keep it up.
This is such a fantastic thing to do!
Beautiful post for such an amazing cause. Thank you!
Such a great cause. Thanks for doing this.
beautiful post
what a good cause! Thanks for posting this to the blogosphere 🙂
So happy you’re doing this – what a great cause!
i love how you talk the talk and walk the walk, ilina, and how you really get in and find out what is happening with issues today. girl, you got something that needs to be bottled and sold, and when it happens, please sign me up for a couple of quarts!
Although I haven’t read your post about slapping your son, I think I understand. I still feel guilty about a time when I let my anger over something my son did when he was very little boil over into striking out at him physically and once when I placed him outside alone for a time. I wonder if he remembers these incidents now that he is 24 and a successful lawyer. I fervently hope not.
It is indeed a privilege to be able to use time and words to save lives. I don’t understand how anyone can value blogging and commenting enough to donate $20 each time someone comments on a blog, but I’ve seen no indication that it’s a hoax, so I have been participating all month (I think I missed one day either when I was out of town for a family graduation or when I had major surgery last week) and shall endeavor to continue even after the fall semester begins (I am in my last year of law school) a week from tomorrow.
I’m pretty sure there are many ladies out there with a girl crush on you, my friend. Just sayin’… 😉
The connections are what make me keep blogging. I feel like we’re doing many important things, and Shot At Life is certainly one of the best.
Love this post Ilina. And I LOVE your writing. You have such a great sense of humor and your passion is infectious. And I love the fact that I had the opportunity to meet YOU and hope that our paths cross again soon.
Your post is both moving and funny. Wonderful job for a great cause!
What a wonderful thing you are doing and what a fantastic post. You are now my inspiration to try harder to help those who need it.
I love the description of the comments giving you wings to fly and write. Also? I think we may have had similar oh my gosh look who commented discussions in my house as well. We may actually need to start a club for husbands of bloggers to comiserate about our craziness.
Wonderful post! Jenny Lawson is one of my faves too. 🙂
I love this cause so, so much.
Thanks as always Ilina, great post! xo
THANK YOU for being a part of this wonderful fundraiser! Going to go check out more of your blog posts NOW! 🙂
Love your post Ilina and I am so grateful that you share your voice with all of us. Advocating for for children and the opportunity to give them the gift of life by providing them with the vaccines need to survive never has been more that this. One comment= One child vaccinated against polio,pneumonia, measles and diarrhea. Thank you for your words and your service.
It’s it amazing when you’ve found your voice and discover there’s a little piece of the world that actually wants to listen. Thanks for being a part of this.
Thanks for taking the time to write for this. Polio is almost gone, and this will help eradicate it. Amazing!! Keep up the great work!
Love your post, love YOU. You are an amazing force in the blogosphere now! What an awesome thing you and the other bloggers are doing.
“Join the revolution to give all children a shot at life. I need you. We need you. They need you.” <– THIS. Thank you!
This entire campaign is amazing and it is only more incredible with the addition of such fabulous voices such as yours. hopes this helps!
god bless us all
Feeling heard is such a powerful thing.
I think you are a natural activist, and you inspire me so much.
Just read the story of how you slapped your son. So powerful, and over and above your support for Project Enlightenment it’s posts like that that give parents hope when they need it. Because no one talks about this stuff. That’s why I blog too. Love “accidental activitist” – I think that’s what I am too (about PPD).
Thanks for helping so many children!
You guys are all amazing!
Love your strength. Love this cause. Thanks for your story!
Love this campaign. Thank you for sharing your stories.
Here’s the funny thing, my friend. Whatever inspiration you received, you passed right back to me ten fold. Blogging isn’t just writing, it’s making REAL connections and friendships. And these bloggers around you were simply a catalyst, a little something to ignite what was ALREADY there. I won’t take credit for the awesome within that you had from the get-go. I adore you. Cheers to a beautiful online and IRL friendship. Much love.
Vaccinate those little buggers.
Thank you for your contributions as a writer, woman, mother, activist, and human. You are significant. You are meaningful.
For a child.
you say it well, what comments mean.
“Every single comment means you have just vaccinated one child for life.” I feel awesome just by leaving this simple comment.
Every single comment means you have just vaccinated one child for life. I feel awesome just by leaving this simple comment.
Great cause. Thanks!
I love the line about “… greener than a Leprechaun’s fanny!” you write with such emotion. Wonderful!
Meaningful post with some humor thrown in. That’s my fave. Here’s to one more child receiving vaccines!
Thank You Illina for your interesting insight as well as compassionate contribution to motivate us for the good of children. You are a great mom who is going to make a big difference by raising two kind and thoughtful boys!
What a great cause. Thanks for helping share health and long life!
I love this campaign and that we can all make a real difference, so easily!~ xoxo~ Jenny
I love knowing what drove you to start writing because we really would have missed out if you hadn’t. Glad to be a part of Blogust with you.
Great post! Thanks for sharing your story and participating in this campaign
Thank you for sharing your story of how you found the power of your own voice, and for working for the health of children around the world.
Words really are powerful. Cheers to you for using yours to make a difference with Shot@Life!
Every voice is important. Every vaccination is a matter of life and death. Thank you.
The power of commenting is so real, right!? Even 6 years later, I still get a thrill when I get a comment on a post. It means I touched someone, I moved someone – little ol me. Thanks for touching and moving us with your words Ilina!!!
Every child deserves to be well-cared for physically, mentally and emotionally!
Great cause — thanks for letting us know!
Lovely post! I agree that it’s amazing how simple words on the Internet can change the world. Keep up the good work!
My friend from MA had told me about the fundraiser and today was the first day I checked out one of the blogs. How great it felt to click on your blog and see the picture of you with your poster for Project Enlightenment. I am also passionate about that because it helped my 6 year old daughter and our family beyond belief. Big world wide web, but sometimes a small world.
I had exactly the same rush when people started commenting on my blog. I am loving this Shot@Life campaign because it has given me the kick in the pants I’ve needed to begin commenting again. Love your post!
This makes me realize how much I take vaccinations for granted. I can’t imagine the pain of a parent who has to watch their child die of a preventable disease. Great cause!
I have been reading your blogposts for several months now and this one has certainly met my expectations in a thought provoking piece on a topic I wouldn’t otherwise consider. Thanks Ilina!
I think it is so amazing what Shot@Life is doing here. In this crazy American world where we can debate alternative vaccine schedules and some people who have the luxury of depending on herd immunity and don’t vaccinate at all, it is so easy to forget how life-saving and precious vaccines are in most of the world. (Here too, but there are those who forget it.) Great post, Ilina.
Thank you for contributing to this effort!
Happy to have the opportunity to read, comment and accidentally activate my own sense of broader community. Thank you.
I am grateful for the opportunity to help a child by simply leaving a comment. The other thing that I am loving is discovering all the amazing new blogs. Thanks for being part of this.
Now that I have only 4/5 of the responsibilities I had before, having successfully tucked one into a tiny college dorm room yesterday, I have time to comment again on this wonderful post and to say how grateful I am to have so many support global immunization efforts. Thanks, Ilina, for helping to give a child (or 100 +) a Shot@ hanging cute curtains in her freshman dorm!!
Great cause. Thanks for participating in this!
Thank you for participating in this great cause!
I’m so honored to call you my friend. Love you, and so wish Mikey could’ve met you. He would’ve loved you too.
I’ll bet you’re the girl crush of a whole bunch of bloggers out there. Deservedly so. xo
Hear, hear. Your voice is a lively, lovely one for a good cause.
Beautiful post here, and for the Blog Carnival! Thanks for sharing your story and for keeping Blogust going.
Thanks for passing this along 🙂
Greetings, ma’am. I have not followed this blog of yours in the past, but as someone who has been tending to Shot@Life’s drive, it is my pleasure to leave you this bit of acknowledgement in your writing. Thank you for making such an earnest contribution to such a worthy cause. God bless.
Thank you for doing this. What a great cause.
Can you be my new girl crush now?
Your voice is loud, smart, persuasive and sweet at the same time. Can’t wait to meet you soon!
This is such a great cause.
Wow, made it in at 11:59. This is my 19th comment. Didn’t want to miss a day.
Amazing initiative! Thanks!!
I completely relate to how comments give you wings. Nicely said!
You go, girl!!!
Thank you for this opportunity to help a child have a shot at life. Amazing!
very nice! Love the bloggess – her HR stories are so true….lol funny!
Thank you for your post and the chance to leave a comment for a Shot At Life.
Amazing Story – keep up the good work
It’s the inspiration of others that makes getting out of bed every day an adventure.
Very happy to be able to save a life today by visiting you here at Dirt and Noise. Thank you so much for what you are doing to support Shot at Life!!!
Amazing as always, Ilina.
Great post, Ilina. Happy to help any way I can.
Ilina I missed this yesterday and am so sorry. I’m in the middle of saying goodbye to my grandfather who is dying. He lived an incredible life, air force, post office, grandchildren, great grandchildren, he had quite the ride! And now we can give opportunities to a lifetime of blessings by making a blog comment! Awesome! And by the way I totally girl crush on you and think you are amazing! Xoxo!
‘Accidental activist.’ Love it. I think that the accidental activists are the very best kind 🙂
You always inspire me Ilina! Love this!
SUCH an important cause! Happy to be a little part of the solution — thanks for giving us the opportunity to help.
wings indeed! i love that! wonderful to be a part of Blogust with you.
Such a great cause, and such a great way to rally a community! Thank you for doing this!
hooray for vaccines. thanks for activating.
Loved the shout out to Anne Geddes! I was fortunate enough to meet and be photographed by her in April. She is so inspiring!
Thank you for writing this post and making it so easy to support this great cause. I enjoy your blog.
What a great cause!
$20 for little more than 20 seconds to create a priceless effect – I’m in!
Thank you for supporting this amazing cause.
An inspiring post and a great story of what this form can be and do! You got me fired up to create something of my own. I better get after it. I’m up on Wednesday!
Thank you for being an advocate of such a great cause as Shot@Life and thank you for your blog.
Thanks for adding your voice to the chorus of those for healthy children worldwide. I heard you loud and clear (no amp needed)!
Wonderful to read your words. I’m just dabbling my toes in the blogosphere, and feel fortunate to be commenting in the UN effort to increase the vaccination of children.
As I get older, I do become more convinced that every child is important and should be valued and educated.
I wish I had the courage to blog like you… maybe someday. In the mean time, here is another $20 for vaccines!
Well, you know how I feel about how blogging can help people. I’m a fan of yours and a fan of helping babies so you got me on both ends!
YOU give inspiration, too, you know! This is a great effort and I’m honored to be able to support it, through you. 🙂
I LOVE your blog and think it is wonderful that you use it make a true difference in the world, one child at a time.
Thank you!!
Wow! This is such an amazing project– I was impressed with them at Type A! Thanks for being a part of it!
Such a wonderful thing you are participating in!!
Your tireless efforts never cease to amaze me. You are awesome!
This is a fantastic cause! Way to go friend!!
Thank you for rallying momentum for this movement. All children deserve a healthy shot@life and you rock for using your voice and platform to carry this torch!
Wow, usually I regard my comments as my 2 cents worth. But here it is a whole 20 dollars!
I work with Kiwanis International which works with UNICEF and together we are working to eliminate maternal /neonatal tetanus. This involves just 3 vaccinations at a cost of $1.80 to the mother, to prevent a baby from dying the horrible death caused by tetanus. A baby dies every 9 minutes from tetanus. $20 would save 11 babies.
I love the image of the accidental activist. I have a sneaking suspicion we all have one of those inside.
Great work as always, Ilina! So proud of you and everything you do…keep it up!
This is a fantastic initiative, raising awareness, raising funds and making it easy for us mouse-potatoes to get involved and help out.
It should also encourage us to think – and discuss – the necessary education campaigns that should accompany such immunisation drives. There is still a lot of ignorance to be overcome, even in developed countries such as the USA, and unfortunately, we are now also dealing with the backlash of the covert operations in Pakistan that took place under the guise of vaccination campaigns.
Lots of work to do, but, as the famous proverb says, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”
Thank you for participating!
Great to see you blogging for Shot@Life again! Here’s to saving the life of one more child in the developing world!
Jen 🙂
There is nothing more empowering that realizing your voice and your words can be a agent for change. Proud to share this campaign with you!
Thanks so much for the chance to bring shots to children in need. It is hard in every day life to find the opportunity to do such good with so little effort. Thanks for what you and Shot@life are doing!
Thank you for your contribution for the Shot@Life
I’m hoping that additional comments count towards the total. I’m making a second pass through the calendar to catch a few days I missed the first time around.
I just love this idea so much so here is comment #2 for me!
Thanks to you, I too love the Bloggess!
What I really want to say here is that I recently got back from a wonderful weekend in Ottawa Canada with an organisation that is near and dear to my heart. World University Service of Canada (WUSC) works to bring students from refugee camps in Africa and Asia to study in Canadian universities and colleges. I told everyone about Blogust and what a great fundraising initiative it is. What I wouldn’t give to find a generous donor to contribute to WUSC’s Student Refugee Program (SRP) in the same way! I am currently fundraising in my own small way for the SRP by challenging myself to run a half marathon in December and blogging about it here:
Communities, be it online or otherwise, coming together for a cause is just so incredibly inspiring to me!
Thank you, Ilina, for taking part!
Gah, this got buried..
I totally hear what you say. Sometimes the activism feels too heavy but most days it feels proud to have a voice and also to share it
You are amazing and your posts always make me think, reflect and hope. Thanks for all you do.
There is no accidental activist… but thank you for using your voice!
Here is to one more vaccine and one more life save. Thank you for helping and for your great writing.
Hi my loved one! I wish to say that this post is awesome, nice written and include almost all vital infos.
I’d like to peer extra posts like this .
You’re so cool! I do not think I’ve truly read through anything like this before.
So good to discover another person with a few original thoughts on this topic.
Seriously.. thank you for starting this up. This website is something that is required on the web, someone with some originality!
Good day! This post could not be written any better!
Reading through this post reminds me of my old room mate!
He always kept talking about this. I will forward this article to him.
Fairly certain he will have a good read. Many thanks for sharing!
Hmm is anyone else having problems with the pictures
on this blog loading? I’m trying to find out if its a problem on my end or if it’s the blog.
Any responses would be greatly appreciated.