Four years ago a group of girlfriends put their heads, hearts, and rolodexes together to get the gears in motion to elect Barack Obama to the White House. They were wildly successful (and perhaps mildly wild too). These women dubbed themselves GASP (Girlfriends Appalled By Sarah Palin). Well, here it is four years later, and these girlfriends are still fired up and ready to roll. Nowadays GASP has evolved to Girlfriends Actively Supporting the President. I’ve never had more fun GASPing in my life.
At a recent GASP meeting, a group of women was asked to articulate why they care about this election in 3 words or fewer. Here is a sample of what they said:
“Take action now – War on Women – I Remember Bush – Planned Parenthood – Affordable college – Love Big Bird – Daughters and Granddaughters – Mitt Romney is trouble – Ryan is more trouble – I love Barack – Medicaid/Medicare – All people – Women’s rights – I’m all in – Fair Pay Act – Etch a sketch – Thurston Howell III – Affordable Care Act – More Michelle – NC Blue – I still believe”
Well, we are not the types to sit around and let life happen to us. We are busy making other plans…to reelect Barack Obama! We do what all good girlfriends do when we’re fired up and have a story to tell…or a President to reelect. We throw a party!
Rock the Night for Obama with GASP
Thursday, October 18, 7:00 – 11:00pm
Southland Ballroom, 614 N. West St. Raleigh.
Admission is FREE, but donations accepted. Guest speaker from the Obama campaign!
Come to one of Raleigh’s premier live music venues and hear two great NC bands, The Stray Dogs and Johnny Folsom Four.
That’s AWESOME!! Here’s my 3 words: Trust over Distrust
Wish I could be there to GASP with you all!