I don’t have veterans in my family. Neither does Mac Daddy. Neither one of us grew up with military lore or tradition. There is no legacy of service. Bird and Deal only know of the military from books they read and lessons learned on vacations to Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, and Boston. Nonetheless, we revere those who serve and have served. We certainly know many people who have sacrificed to serve our country, and sadly, know the families they left behind. Every time I see someone in uniform at the airport I get verklempt. I feel wisps of sadness, patriotism, guilt, and pride.
Along with everyone else this Veterans Day, I’d like to show my gratitude to veterans who sacrificed more than most of us can begin to comprehend. Today is a day for reflection, gratitude, and honor. It is most certainly not a day for hyped up mattress sales and obnoxious radio ads perpetuating the obscene commercialism of our culture and the season before us. More to come on that front…
Today I say THANK YOU to those who served our country. You have my deepest respect. And I won’t be at the mall as I talk to my boys about the meaning of Veterans Day.
I do love patting all of my fellow vets on the back, especially those who’ve served much longer than I did and those who’ve been deployed. But it really touches me to hear words like yours from folks who aren’t vets and don’t have military families. Thanks – it really does mean a lot.
Good words, important thoughts for courageous people.