There’s snow in the forecast, but all I hear right now is rain. There were some fluffy flakes before the boys went to bed, so at least they sparkled at the glimpse of (practically) ne’er seen snow. They went to bed in fits of giggles and wide-eyed wonder and kept popping out from under the down covers to sneak just one more peek at the snow. The garage roof was barely covered, and you had to look more with your imagination than with your eyes to see the fluff. Nonetheless, the magic of the season’s first (only?) snow blanketed my boys before dreamland.
When I think of snow I covet warmth. Of course this stems from too many winters in Minneapolis (Let’s be clear, “too many” is one.) I make beef bourguignon on snow days, and we huddle under thick fleece blankets drinking creamy hot chocolate. I don slipper socks all day long and sport my drabbest coziest sweats.
While I was conjuring up warm cocktails to usher in the snow, I did an about face and decided to go cold pressed instead, you know, to honor the cold.
There’s a new little coffee company in my neck of the woods that cranks out a handcrafted cold pressed coffee that is delectable. Slingshot Coffee Company. I’d love it for the packaging alone even if I didn’t love coffee.
Just Snow
6 ounces Slingshot Coffee
2 ounces vanilla vodka
1 tablespoon chocolate sauce
Cinnamon stick
Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Add coffee, vanilla vodka, and chocolate syrup. Give it a hefty shake. Pour over ice in a tall glass. Add a cinnamon stick and give it a swirl. Now grab yourself a toasty blanket, someone to snuggle alongside, and a trashy magazine. Let’s toast Mother Nature, fickle menopausal dame that she is.
I’d love to see a picture of your bar/cupboard. The rows of ingredients for Fridays must look pretty impressive by now!