Many people have asked me about what’s in my emergency kit after reading yesterday’s post. The trees, they are a swayin’ this morning. We lucked out last night and settled in for the night with just a few bolts of lightning and a couple provocations from Thor. Bird and Deal slept peacefully, ensconced in the usual mass of pillows and various stuffed creatures. I spent the evening reading and actually found myself relaxed, a welcome shift from the pins and needles I felt piercing my being all day.
Now today is another story.
We are riding out storms again. This time the bulk of it is while the boys are in school. Both boys’ schools have practiced tornado drills, and I have confidence in their teachers and leaders. They are, after all, teachers. I put my trust in them every day and never look back. First responders indeed, whether it’s a lost tooth, scabbed knee, mean girl, or something much heavier.
In the midwest we had emergency sirens. I’m not even sure if such a thing exists in Raleigh, North Carolina. I rely on the constant hum of news, Twitter, and the radio today. Honestly, I didn’t know we were susceptible to tornadoes here.
Back to my emergency kit… I have a plastic bin with a secure lid that I keep in the basement. I also have a 2.5 gallon container of distilled water. Here’s what I have packed in the box:
- flashlight and emergency light
- lighter
- candles
- 2 boxes of high protein granola bars
- 4 chocolate bars
- hand sanitizer
- hand wipes
- paper towels
- ibuprofen
- dog food
- plastic cups
- 4 pairs of socks (It’s cold and damp in the basement!)
- blankets and sleeping bag (I repeat: It’s cold and damp in the basement!)
- books and magazines
What I remiss is preparing is an emergency kit to go. We need something stashed away to grab should we need to evacuate, like for a hurricane or something. I’d love some advice on what to keep in that. Here’s what I’m thinking:
- copies of passports and important documents
- copy of insurance cards
- cash
- first aid kit
- chargers
- extra set of house and car keys
- canned food and can opener
- water
- dog food
- blankets
- books/games/something to occupy us
- flashlight
- granola bars/snacks
- toiletry kits
- hand sanitizer
- extra eye glasses
- duct tape (because there’s always a use for duct tape)
What do you think? I’d love some advice from people who have had the misfortune to need such a kit and the good fortune to be OK.
Be safe!
The belltower serves as an emergency warning system, you might hear it tested on 1st Monday of each month. We hear tests but don’t hear it in storms over thunder & rain. We use wrap weather call & weather alert app.