Ours is a friendship of firsts.
- Crush
- Breaking curfew
- Kiss
- Cigarette
- Heartbreak
- Car
- Taste of liquor
- Car accident (not related to the liquor)
- School dance
- Fashion experiments
- Job
- Apartment
- Roommate nightmare
- Social mishap
- Hair color
- F
- Boyfriend
- Marriage (for one of us)
- Job
- Baby
She knew me when my parents were married. She’s known me by three different names. She knew me before I hit puberty. She knew me before I had laugh lines, wrinkles, and gray hair. She’s know my ugly bits and and loved me anyway.
She steered me when I was drifting. She bolstered me when I was flailing. She celebrated when I winning.
But it’s more than a history that spans 37 years that glues us together. At times our lives have been fragmented, yet all of our individual puzzle pieces still fit together. A lifelong friendship means building bonds, drifting apart, finding your way back. Our journeys and paths have intersected, run parallel, and gone off track. Distance separates us so we find ourselves winding this way and that, our threads still intertwined in a complex series of loops. Yet she is always my North Star. And for the record, 99% of my laugh lines I owe to her.
It’s this friendship of firsts that is the most lasting.
Gorgeous. I don’t have one of that duration, but you do help me recall the people and times that have helped me stretch, crest, and submerge as life demanded. Thank you.