There’s a schism in this country. Strike that. In this world. We are being torn apart by the limbs while some twisted spirit in the ethers looks down upon us cackling. These are not the age old war, famine, and familiar strifes we have known through the passage of time. This schism is intersectional and deep. It knows no boundaries. Fear is fuel. Embedded in this schism are a host of other -isms.
Hell, even Plagiarism
We are hungry for healing. This is perhaps the only non-partisan issue left, the yearn for healing. Recent events are too numerous to name, too painful to recount. But there continues to be good in this world. There are myriad people lifting others up rather than holding them down. Our community is brimming with more good deeds than bad eggs. Hands are outstretched to help, yet, we still feel helpless. President Obama recently said we must focus on our words and deeds. Each one of us, in ways big and small, can be deliberate with our words and deeds to tilt the axis of the earth to close its schism.
Hell, even a little Silliness
We are weary of feeling wary. Let’s try a little tenderness.