Parenting hits a road laden with potholes when your child joins the rank of teenager. The smooth, open highway of elementary school years give way to gravel roads as soon as the teen years begin. Gone are the halcyon days… There are new roads signs to heed when you’re on the highway of raising a teenager.
Stop butting in and let him make his own choices.
Not everything goes as planned.
Sometimes you need to exit the situation in search of some peace.
Know when to argue and when to let it go.
Slow down and absorb these days.
Pick your battles.
Set limits.
Even when you’re heading different directions, your paths will cross.
Teenagers are still kids at heart.
Accept the fact that your way isn’t the only way.
Consequences still matter.
There are going to be rough patches.
There’s more than one way to get somewhere.
Take a break.
Time flies.
This is perhaps the hardest sign to heed.