Paid leave. Maternal healthcare. Choice. Affordable, quality child care. Breastfeeding rights. Pay equity. Ending violence and harassment. Access to healthy food, quality healthcare, education. Representation.
And the exacerbation of all these issues when it comes to black and brown women.
Most issues we are fighting for are women and family issues.
It’s 2019, and the ERA has not been ratified.
We have had years of talking about the importance of pay equity, but nothing has happened.
Men in charge love to talk. One phrase I’ve heard an awful lot over the years when asked about any of the aforementioned issues, “Yes, it’s important. We’re discussing it.” Mmmhmmm…
We’re celebrating white suffrage without a nod a to the role black women played in the movement.
Stop telling me things take time. These have been issues since literally the beginning of time. Stop telling me to be grateful for the strides we’ve made. Those strides are quickly being erased state by state. Stop telling me to be patient. Women have been patient for the world’s lifetime.
This is why we must smash the patriarchy. We should tackle white supremacy while we’re at it.
And women who help uphold both are the worst.
Roll up your sleeves and channel your inner Helen Reddy, friends. Get ready to roar.