I swear, no one in Raleigh stops at crosswalks to allow pedestrians to cross safely. It matters not if you have a stroller, a dog on a leash, a child holding your hand, or are wheelchair bound. No one stops, regardless the neon yellow sign or flashing lights. In fact, I’ve been honked at for stopping for pedestrians! I live in a school zone so this is particularly annoying…and clearly unsafe.
My older son Bird is going to get his license soon, so I’ve been paying close attention to the behavior of other drivers. (Bird was just four-years old when I started writing here, so I am astounded at the hands of Father Time.) Every one of us has a loved one on the roads so you’d think we would all be a bit more cautious and respectful. Alas, this is America so we tend to focus more on “me” instead of “we.”
I implore you all to exercise caution and respect when driving. It’s about safety above all, not convenience.
Slow down. Nothing good comes from speeding. It won’t kill you to be late to a meeting, but speeding might.
For the love of all creatures great and small, PUT AWAY YOUR PHONE. Non-f*^#ing negotiable.
Stop signs mean the same thing all over the world. S-T-O-P. This is a command, not a suggestion.
Using your turn signal is the right thing to do and should not be left to your whims.
No one idling next to you at a red light wants to hear your music. It’s actually not all about that bass.
When you see a yellow light, consider it a sign from the Universe and just slow down.
Buckle up. It’s just daft not to. A seatbelt literally saved my life when a car ran a red light and hit me head on when I was 16.
Don’t swerve in to snag a parking spot from someone else. It’s uncool.
Handicap parking spots are not there for your convenience. I don’t care if you’ll “just be a minute.”
If you can’t park between the lines, take the bus.
Stop when the school bus does. Do you really want to be the a$$hole who runs over a kid?
Listen, just remember that a car has power and driving one is an enormous responsibility. Please be safe, be patient, be kind, all driving forces to make the world a little better.