It’s not how much money you spend. It’s nothing to do with cost or cachet. It’s not what you buy at all. Christmas, commercial as it is, is not about the things. Dare I say, it’s not even just about religion.
Christmas is about culture and community for those who don’t share the Christian faith for whatever reason. It’s a time we share with the people we love. We slow our pace, gaze in wonder, and linger upon each other. Sure, there’s stress and undue pressure. I’m guilty of this myself. But this year, I said no more. It is what it is. We will be with people we cherish, finding joy in simple pleasures. We’re healthy. We want for nothing. We’ll be together. It’s gift enough.
Christmas is a time for childlike whimsy and indulgence with wild abandon. But for many, it’s also a time of pain and sorrow and loss. Not all our neighbors are rejoicing this season, so let’s pause to send them light. Let’s vow to give of ourselves throughout the year, not just during the holidays when we concern ourselves with the naughty and nice list. Remember those who are hurting, those who are alone, those who are working. Be patient…with yourself and with others.
Seek joy, find joy, and bring joy this season.