Death isn’t something we talk about comfortably. We particularly eschew the subject in our American culture. It’s admittedly not pleasant, but it’s so very vital. I spent ten years volunteering with pediatric bone marrow transplant patients so I unfortunately dealt with death in the most shattering ways when I was in my thirties. I also worked in financial services at that time so I had my share of working with wills, trusts, and estate planning. There were lessons then that I have carried with me all these years.
Chief among those lessons was having a will.
Mac Daddy and I had the benefit of professional experience in the financial services field so we knew to have life insurance and a will to support each other when we moved in together. Yes, even before we were married. We have since updated our wills twice. If you have children, you must have a will. It’s not just about who gets your stuff, it’s about who will take care of your kids. Guardianship is everything. Do not assume the law will take care of things for you. Having a will means that you dictate what happens when you die versus the courts. Doing nothing is the worst thing you can do when it comes to estate planning.

this in my will and on my license.
Estate planning isn’t just for the wealthy.
Here are just a few reasons you need a will:
Determine who takes care of your minor children. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH.
Decide how your assets will be distributed.
Avoid probate.
Minimize taxes.
Decide who handles your affairs by assigning an executor (Do tell the person you’ve chosen!).
Establish a living will and power of attorney should you become incapacitated.
Make donations to organizations you support.
We recently updated our wills. Osborn Gambale Beckley & Budd is an outstanding firm whose sensibilities align with ours. I mean, just take a look for yourself. “Laws affect all of us, and everyone needs legal advice and help from time to time. But unfortunately, for very real reasons, most regular people never get the legal help they need. We believe everyone deserves access to legal counsel regardless of situation or circumstance. So whatever has stopped you in the past from getting the legal help you need — cost, lack of transportation, limited office hours, hidden pricing, unresponsiveness, intimidation — we can help. We are committed to being part of a community solution.”
That last line really resonates with me. We should all commit to being part of a community solution. We needed to update our wills, and choosing a firm who is professional and thorough coupled with being good stewards of our community made working with Osborn Gambale Beckley & Budd an easy decision.
Now make the call and get yourself a will.
And cheers to adulting in the most magnificently responsible way.