My baby boy is 15 now. He’s about to get his driver’s permit (Lord, help me!). I swear I can fit both my feet into one of his sneakers. He indulges me. He cracks me up. He started talking late but has not stopped. His patience comes from within because I surely have not modeled it for him. He’s a thinker (I mean, just look at that tiny hand upon his chin!). Every day I stare in awe of him and wonder if I’m doing right by him. I’m so incredibly proud of this kid.
15 Things I Love About Deal
- He’s our resident Cliff Clavin. I’m confident Deal will never run out of cocktail party conversation topics.
- His voracious sweet tooth knows no bounds, and all that sugar explains his constitution.
- He rests his elbow on my head to tease me about my height, and it’s utterly charming.
- His manners are impeccable.
- He cooks! His latest infatuation is finishing salt and is actually contemplating ordering Maldon sea salt flakes with his birthday money.
- His curiosity is insatiable (see #1).
- He quotes sports statistics all the time, which actually drives me crazy but I’m nonetheless impressed.
- He cozies up to binge watch TV with us when most other teenagers are holed up in their rooms. Thank you for introducing us to Designated Survivor.
- He’s the first to ask, “Do you need help with anything?”
- He has a quiet confidence that complements his easy going personality, making him humble rather than cocky.
- He always shares his snacks, treats, and candy, often giving me first dibs or the biggest piece.
- His belly laugh makes his whole body shake.
- He’s smart without even trying.
- His heart is something else. Deal truly cares about others first. (He’s listening to music as I write this and asked me, “Is this too loud, Mom?”)
- He has an incredible sense of justice and does not bend to peer pressure.
All I have to do to see hope and optimism for the future is to look at my son. You were born “sunny side up” and I can’t think of anything more apt in this world.
What an incredible young man!
It’s not really surprising with a mom like you.
Happy Birthday to Deal!
What a blessing.