I am hoping I can still escape its clutch. I am just a few auditions away from being the next Dristan Girl. Some girls are destined for Bond. I'm more cut out for Mucinex. Aches. Chills. Headache. Low energy. Watery eyes. Sore throat. Have you noticed how … [Read more...] about Common Cold Tipple – 5:00 Fridays
5:00 Fridays
Chinese Mary – 5:00 Fridays
Deal takes Chinese in school. He's able to have a very basic conversation and routinely says thank you in Chinese. He's also learned some calligraphy and now wants an ink pot to add to his box of art supplies. Can imagine that mess?! Deal is in kindergarten. In public school. His … [Read more...] about Chinese Mary – 5:00 Fridays
Jamaican Creamsicle – 5:00 Fridays
I have never been to Jamaica. I have been caught red handed (red tongued?)licking a creamsicle scented candle. I quite accidentally captured these two non sequitors in my brain tonight. Somehow as other thoughts and ideas floated and whizzed along my noggin superhighway, … [Read more...] about Jamaican Creamsicle – 5:00 Fridays
Greatfruit – 5:00 Fridays
Since Bird and Deal could eat real food, the kind that requires teeth instead of a food processor, they have been snacking off my plate. Those little rascals are culprits of plate pinching especially at breakfast. They have always had big appetites, so it seems that no matter how … [Read more...] about Greatfruit – 5:00 Fridays
Cocoa Cozy – 5:00 Fridays
Oh, the weather outside is frightful, and the holidays are long over. North Carolina winters have turned cruel since we moved here nine years ago. I long ago ditched my quilted parka and moon boots that carried me through many winters in Minneapolis, Madison, and Chicago. I was … [Read more...] about Cocoa Cozy – 5:00 Fridays
44=Holiday Cheer! – 5:00 Fridays
The holidays are upon us, and in the Jeske family that means time to brew up some holiday cheer. 44 (you’ll see how the name came about when you read the recipe below), is a delicious time-honored holiday drink passed down to me by my amazing, Ukrainian grandparents. … [Read more...] about 44=Holiday Cheer! – 5:00 Fridays
Elderflower Eve – 5:00 Fridays
I am a self professed New Year's Eve Curmudgeon. Back in college my roommates and I holed up over New Year's Eve at a friend's swanky condo on a golf course somewhere and drank white zinfandel until the living room swirled in shades of Komen pink. We swilled and gabbed … [Read more...] about Elderflower Eve – 5:00 Fridays