Funny how all holidays are colored with signature hues. Green and red for Christmas, despite the Ballard Designs and Pottery Barns of the world trying to trick us into adopting purples and blues and pinks. Red, white, and blue for Fourth of July. Brown for Arbor Day. Green for my … [Read more...] about 5:00 Fridays
5:00 Fridays
5:00 Fridays
I like words. I've been having fun with words ever since I had my first little ditty published in the Mini Pages back in grade school. This tidbit just boosted my cool factor significantly in my 6-year old's eyes. I have even been known to keep an Excel spreadsheet of homonyms. … [Read more...] about 5:00 Fridays
5:00 Fridays
Fall has befallen. Here in North Carolina October usually means flip flops and shorts even though I am itching to pull out my tall boots and sweaters. Well, I got my wish and have spent the better part of this week making sure the shirts I wear have adequate layering because it's … [Read more...] about 5:00 Fridays
5:00 Fridays
[youtube=]Today's drink was inspired by a brush from my childhood and a long lost peek into the girl I was and the character I dreamed of becoming. I had an old clock radio as my only source of electronic entertainment (That is, until I … [Read more...] about 5:00 Fridays
5:00 Fridays
My neighborhood enjoys a weekly tradition fondly called "Brown Liquor Night." I'm not even sure how this all started other than our resident fix-it man, crime watch extraordinaire, clever craftsman, and all around funny man needed an excuse to get all the y-chromosomes together … [Read more...] about 5:00 Fridays