I've been politically minded for a while now. But you already know this about me. I'll be writing for CafeMom's The Stir throughout 2012 chronicling my take on the upcoming election. It promises to be a heated year, even when the temperature dips below 32. My first post … [Read more...] about Still Feeling Blue
Offering Another Perspective on The Broad Side
I'm talking over at The Broad Side today. I have another perspective on the Penn State abuse case. It's a perspective that has yet to be touched by the media. Do we foster a culture of abuse? Do we stand by and let the abused suffer while the abuser gets off (literally … [Read more...] about Offering Another Perspective on The Broad Side
Tea Party in Wake County Schools Is Scary
Know what's really scary this Halloween? Heather Losurdo and tea party ideologies on our next school board. Kevin Hill is the voice of reason who brings his hands-on experience as an educator to our school board. Character matters. He is a man of principle, a … [Read more...] about Tea Party in Wake County Schools Is Scary
Wake County Election Day
I haven't much time but I wanted to wedge in one last word about today's election. It's raining, and I'm off to work my polling place for a few hours. I took Bird and Deal with me to vote this morning. Bird just so happens to have third grade CogAt testing today so I let him fill … [Read more...] about Wake County Election Day
Schools Benefit Us All – So VOTE
There was a time before I had children that I paid no attention to schools and school issues. I didn't see the relevance to my own life. I figured schools only mattered to the students and the parents, and sadly, I paid little attention to teachers back then. I took teachers for … [Read more...] about Schools Benefit Us All – So VOTE
9/11, A Brother Remembers
I have many thoughts and feelings about 9/11. We all do, of course. I remember being glued to the TV, wrought with worry because I couldn't reach Mac Daddy, who worked in the Wrigley Building in downtown Chicago at the time. No one had any idea what was happening, and … [Read more...] about 9/11, A Brother Remembers
It is in the wee hours of the morning that I most keenly feel in touch with what rumbles inside me. It's not the hour sunshine and gaiety. This is not the time I spend being joyful and thankful. It is in these early hours that I feel heavy with the weight of the world. It is in … [Read more...] about Worries