I scope out exits everywhere I go now. I peek under seats to gauge the space beneath. I look for columns and other such things to duck behind if need be. I consider where I can hide and shield my sons. For ages I've kept this to myself, fearing I'd look like a paranoid crazy … [Read more...] about Thoughts & Prayers Are Trite
The Promise of Darkness, Eclipse 2017
We’ve been a nation shrouded in darkness since November 9, yet today we welcomed the darkness as we eagerly awaited the total solar eclipse. In a paradoxical twist, it was the promise of darkness that breathed an airy lightness into our country. Today was a … [Read more...] about The Promise of Darkness, Eclipse 2017
I’m a Flag Waving Liberal
The republican president is not my America. My America is open and diverse and welcoming. My America celebrates its freedom rather than squashes it. My America lifts others up, not puts them down. My America doesn’t make me feel ashamed. Independence Day has long been my … [Read more...] about I’m a Flag Waving Liberal
Thanksgiving Wishes Redux
I wrote this post originally in 2010. That was six years ago. It resonates still. I'm sharing my Thanksgiving wishes again with a deep sense of sadness in my heart. The world has indeed more or less gone mad. More loving, less loathing. More helping, less … [Read more...] about Thanksgiving Wishes Redux
Hillary Clinton to Hold Final Midnight Rally in Raleigh
Tonight is Election Eve. In my house the elves are all aflutter trying to get out the vote. The House of Dirt and Noise takes elections very seriously. It's an especially heated and insane year since we are in a swing state. There's been a hefty dose of vitriol too, but I've done … [Read more...] about Hillary Clinton to Hold Final Midnight Rally in Raleigh
Together. #BlackLivesMatter
Carrying arms is OK, but to be up in arms is not. Bend over to take your punishment, but don’t bend a knee to protest. Sit still, even when things don’t sit well with you. History is not necessarily our story. Shush they say, though the lack of speaking up is … [Read more...] about Together. #BlackLivesMatter
Wendy Davis Stands Up to Support NC’s Next Senator, Deborah Ross
Talk about someone who stood up for women's rights! Literally. In 2013 Texas State Senator Wendy Davis famously stood in her Mizuno sneakers for a 12-hour filibuster to halt the passage of a Draconian anti-abortion law. One champion of women and families is coming to support … [Read more...] about Wendy Davis Stands Up to Support NC’s Next Senator, Deborah Ross