Gay Marriage Doesn’t Threaten My Marriage
Tomorrow Mac Daddy and I will celebrate our twelfth wedding anniversary. We got married in Key West on a sunny, hot day in the gardens of the Audubon House. Pastor Ken, a retired Navy chaplain conducted the ceremony, and we wrote our own vows. It was simple and touching and … [Read more...] about Gay Marriage Doesn’t Threaten My Marriage
Standards and Stress and Sisyphus
Sometimes I look at my shelf of cookbooks and snicker at the irony of one of my first books, The Joy of Cooking. To many cooking is more chore than joy. I love to cook but I still feel that way sometimes. I keep telling myself that if I lower my standards my life would be easier. … [Read more...] about Standards and Stress and Sisyphus
The Arts Not Affordable
Mac Daddy and I are fans of the arts. We used to be frequent fliers at the theater and orchestra before we had kids. We saw shows in our travels to New York City and have been to concerts galore. We have friends who are artists so we are supporters of galleries galore and love to … [Read more...] about The Arts Not Affordable
Dance Party USA – Wordless Wednesday
Digital Memories
We spent much of yesterday cozied up in our jammies. We surrounded ourselves with various books, the Sunday paper, the iPad, and magazines. The dog curled up at my feet, and Lenny Kravitz played on the iPod. The day was gloomy and cold, a departure from the sunny spring-like days … [Read more...] about Digital Memories
Choosing Joy Among Sadness
It's easy to get mired in the negative. It's hard to not collapse under the weight of the world sometimes. There is bad news all around us, and yet another heated political season doesn't help. What I've learned is that Stupidity + Hatred = A Toxic, Terrifying Combination. … [Read more...] about Choosing Joy Among Sadness