Hallway, sometime after lunch.
“In order to play basketball in public school you need to be in 8th grade. And black.”
“Do you even realize how racist that is? Plus, you’re wrong.”
“No he’s not.”
“Yes he is. That’s just idiotic.”
“It’s true that black 8th graders are taller than white kids. Black kids play basketball.”
“That’s so wrong. I can’t even believe you believe that.”
Heads shaking all around.
Cut to room, shuffling of bags and dragging feet.
“Obamacare is a bad idea.”
“Obama is making us pay more in taxes to give poor people insurance.”
“Obama took my family’s farm.”
Incredulous jolt of laughter.
“Obamacare just makes people lazier.”
“Tell me why you think making a plan to provide healthcare to people is a bad idea.”
“You shouldn’t force people to have healthcare.”
“It’s about making healthcare AVAILABLE. Why is that so bad?”
“Obamacare is making us pay for lazy people who don’t want to work.”
“Maybe some people don’t even want insurance.”
“If you are dying and want to be taken off the machines you might want insurance to pay for that. Otherwise Obamacare is not good for America.”
“It’s called the AFFORDABLE CARE ACT! At least get your facts straight.”
More head shaking. The three parties turn and walk their separate ways to take a seat.
And this, ladies and gentleman, is how conversation among 10 year old boys shakes out these days.